Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What is Food?

                                        What is Food?

             This definition is from Google-

  1. any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth.

                           In order to survive, all living things need food to live. Just like water. When most people think of food, they think of rice and beans with a big piece of chicken on the side of your plate. Well, not all people. For some people, their meal for the day is a bowl of noodles, and in the mix, some stir fry. To some people, berries strait off a tree is normal. Food is different for all people.  

                           What people eat what? What would I expect?

                 "Mr. Mundo is not sloppy! Mr. Mundo just happens to have very neat eating skills!" 
Animals eat in many different ways. So do we. In some countries, such as India, people are banned from eat beef. Culture is a thing in food too. It is forbidden for Muslims to eat pork. In other countries, such as Spain, Yellow rice and empanadas are common there. In China, there are lots of noodle shops that serve rice too. In Jamaica, you would expect Caribbean food. However, you don't judge a book by it's cover. That means just because one person is Jamaican, Chinese, or  Spanish, they have the choice to eat Chinese food, or follow their culture. You can eat whatever you want.
"Mr. Mundo thinks that wraps up things for today. See you!"

1 comment:

  1. You did a good job on explaining what people eat and the other one
